Crafts. Weddings. Home improvement. Celebrities. Nerd memes. Recipes.

All of these and more can be found on this website called Pinterest.

Almost anyone has at least heard of this addictive website. And contrary to the popular belief that it’s used exclusively by women, men can have just as much fun “pinning” as women. It is a great place to find cheap recipes, decor and even text books. College students hunt for discounts on everything, and this is one of many places to find tons of great things for cheap.

DIY projects are huge on Pinterest, as well. You can even do some for fun boards like looking up new body art, cool cars and clothes you can dream of having. The beautiful thing about Pinterest is that there is something for everyone.

The biggest drawback, however? Some of your favorite items likely aren’t available. Not only that, but sometimes the pins won’t even have a website attached to it.

The worst vice of Pinterest is the notifications — if you have the app, it notifies you constantly if someone pinned what you pinned. Or if someone you know pinned something, or if your cousin’s friend pinned something. It’s worse than Facebook.


Facebook is just the worst.

So like every social media outlet, it has it’s pros and cons. If you love looking up crafts, finding cool clothes or reading touchy quotes with silhouettes on the beach in the background… this is the place to go.

Unless you ever want to get any homework done ever in your life. Because Pinterest WILL distract you.

You have been warned…


Seriously. Everywhere.